Most people have an under-active vagal tone and are in a stress response mode most of the time. Increasing your vagal tone improves the function of many of the bodies systems, giving us a better blood sugar regulation, reduced risk of stoke, hear disease. It gives a better digestion and better production of stomach acid and digestive enzymes and helps in reducing migraines.
Having a high vagal tone gives us a better mood with less anxiety helping us to soothe and self regulate.
How to measure your vagal tone?
Track your heart-rate alongside your breathing rate to give you a vagal tone reading. Your heart-rate speeds up a little when your breathe in, and slows down a little when you breathe out.
So now you have an inhalation heart-rate and an exhalation heart-rate. A higher vagal tone is achieved when the difference is bigger between the two readings.
Another important part is Vagus Nerve. Read here about Vagus Nerve in detail.